The SBJS Board of Directors would like to thank those SBJS members, who attended the recent Special Meeting of the General Membership.  Thanks to you, the proposed amended bylaws were ratified and became effective on October 18, 2015.  If you would like to obtain a copy of the bylaws, please email SBJS Secretary, Jan McBride, at, or send your request in writing to Jan’s attention at Santa Barbara Jazz Society • PO Box 92205 • Santa Barbara, CA 93190.

At the special meeting, SBJS President, Ian Bernard, announced that ELECTIONS are the next big event for the SBJS, aside from the fabulous music of Lolly Allen’s Quintet on November 8, and our Annual Meeting and Holiday Party to be held December 13, 2015, at SOhO.

The function of the SBJS Board of Directors is to conduct the business of the SBJS in fulfillment of its Mission and pursuant to its Bylaws.  Terms for Board of Directors are two (2) years, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.  After the maximum terms of service have ended, board members must sit out for a period of one (1) year, prior to serving on the board again.  Additionally, Board of Directors appoint its Executive Committee (Officers), which consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Terms for Officers are one (1) year, serving a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.  At the end of the last term, Officers must sit out for a period of one (1) year, prior to serving in the same capacity on the Executive Committee.  However, they are eligible to serve as a Board of Director, or may be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve in a different Executive Committee (Officer) position.  Additionally, per the Bylaws, the Board of Directors may appoint an Officer to serve in his/her position for an additional one (1) year term.  (Please note that Board of Directors and/or Officers are volunteer, unpaid positions only.)

Nominations for the 2016 Election to the Board of Directors may be made by any current SBJS Board of Director, Officer, or member in good standing, and each may nominate themselves.   Nominating Committee members may also nominate themselves, and each other.  Non-members and Election Committee members may not be nominated or have their names on a ballot.

Nominations are to be submitted to Nominating Committee members, consisting of the Nominating Committee Chair, Annette Alexander, and members Rhea Woofter, Jan McBride, and Mark McDonald, who will be present at SOhO for the Lolly Allen Quintet event on November 8.

Once an individual has been nominated, all nominees must sign and date a consent form, or statement that states “I agree to nominated and serve on the board, if elected.  I understand that by serving on the SBJS Board of Directors that I am a volunteer and, as such, am not paid for my services.  I further understand and agree to attend regularly scheduled board meetings as determined by the Board of Directors, as well as work at its monthly events in a capacity as determined by the Board of Directors.”  The consent form/statement must be signed by the nominee and dated.

The Nominating Committee requests from all nominees a brief bio, stating his/her qualifications to serve as a board member.  For those attending the Lolly Allen Quintet event on November 8, 2015 at SOhO from 1:00 – 4:00 pm, a consent form will also be available.  Please see SBJS Vice President, Natalie Wilson, or Treasurer, Sandy Cummings, who will be at the admissions door, to direct you to the Nominating Committee’s table.  Otherwise, if you will not be attending the event, please submit your nominations (and have the nominee submit his/her bio and a consent form/statement) via email to Nominating Committee members Annette Alexander at, or Jan McBride, at, on or before November 15, 2015.  Thank you.